Studio b severin is a Berlin based design studio, run by the German-French duo Birgit Severin and Guillaume Neu-Rinaudo.
The designers follow a holistic approach seeing objects as extensions of body and mind. Re-designing processes and our material world, they aim to contribute towards a more social and sustainable society. Based on their research in Japan and inspired by the art born out of Zen Buddhism, they exploring stillness within ourselves as a source of inspiration and well-being.
Birgit followed an education as a teacher for MBSR (mindfulness-based stress reduction) to deepen their practice. She currently supports the CoSocial Project of the Max Planck Institut, exploring the effect of mindfulness-based mental training programs to reduce emotional stress caused by the pandemic.

Guillaume holds a MA in Social Design -Design Academy Eindhoven, 2013 and a BA in Product Design - Design School of Nantes, 2007.
Birgit conducted her MA in Contextual Design - Design Academy Eindhoven, 2013. She previously studied psychology, from which she graduated with an MA in Cognitive Neuroscience - Maastricht University, 2008.
Both teach regularly at various Universities (e.g. HTW-Berlin, Kunsthochschule Berlin Weißensee, GUC Berlin) and held workshops in different formats (e.g. Feldfünf/ DE, Murin-an Garden/ JP, S27/ DE, Nion/ DE).
Residencies / Awards
2020_ Vista Alegre, IDPool, Design Residency, Ilhàvo, PT
2020_ Young Design Talent, Light&Building, selected
2019-20_ Feldfünf, Design Residency, Berlin, DE
2019_ Villa Kamogawa, Design Residency, Goethe Institut, Kyoto, JP
2018_ International Porcelain Residency Kahla Kreativ, KAHLA Porzellan/Thüringen, DE
2016_ Marianne Brandt Contest, Product Design, 2nd Price
2015_ Lanrent & Charras prize, nominated 2015
2015_ Innovation Award imm cologne, nominated
2015_ A&W Design talent, nominated
2014_ Toegepast 19 Residency, Z33 House for contemporary art, Hasselt, BE
2014_ Rado Star Prize, Paris Design Week, Public Price
2014_ Ambiante Messe Frankfurt, Talent, selected
2013_ Craft Emergency, selected
2013_ Blueprint for the future 3D printing, 2nd Price
2021_ GIU Cairo, Visiting Lecturer on sustainability, Semester Project “Urban gardening”
2019-20_ Weißensee Berlin, Semester Project “Celebration of Things” in collaboration with Prof. Barbara Schmidt
2019-..._ S27 - Factory for Art and Education Development, conducting design workshops for young refugees
2018_ GUC Berlin - German University in Cairo, Teaching “Advanced Studies”, Faculty of Industrial Design
2015-18_ HTW Berlin - Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft / University of Applied Science, Teaching “Design Basics” at the faculty of Industrial Design
Lectures / Workshops
2019_ Murin-an Garden, Kyoto, JP
2019_ Aesthetics, Materials, Form - The Gaze and Design of Conduct, MTRL Kyoto, JP
2019_ Irony and Design, OCS, London, UK
2017_ Imaginative Rituals, IN-Residence, Turin, IT
2016_ Planting/Eating/Designing, OCS, Berlin, DE
2014_ DUtch Design, OCS, Amsterdam, Rotterdam & Eindhoven
Selected Exhibitions
2020_ Walden, Schloß Hollenegg, Schwanberg, AUT
2020_ Yound Design Talent, Light&Building, Frankfort, DE (postponed)
2019_ Tasting Tomorrow, Schloss Belvedere, Weimar, DE
2019_ Bauhaus & Kulinarik, Kunststiftung des Landes Sachsen-Anhalt, Halle (Saale), DE
2019_ Kahla Kreative, Porzellanikon, Selb, DE
2019_ Life Cycle, Kyoto Design Week, Kyoto, JP
2018_ Design Vol. XI, Museum of Decorative Arts, Berlin, DE
2018_ 4th Istanbul Design Biennal, SALT Beyoglu Walk-in Cinema, Istanbul, TUR
2018_ Lake Como Fair, Teatro Sociale Como, Como, IT
2018_ Tasting Tomorrow, Kahla Porcelain, Kahla, DE
2018_ Design after Darwin, Palazzo Morosini, San Marco, IT
2018_ Index, Dubai World Trade Center, Dubai, AE
2017_ Materialia, SWING design gallery, Benevento, IT
2017_ Talisman - Contemporary Symbolic Objects, Palazzo Clerici, Milan, IT
2016_ Material Effekt, Industriemuseum, Chemnitz, DE
2016_ Bois d’Originie, Gallery S.Bensimon, Paris, FR
2016_ Werstatt, States of Design, Berlin, DE
2016_ Limited Sustainability, Beirut, LBN
2016_ Breaking & Construct” An Ephemeral Gallery of Contemporary Creators, Bruxelles, BE
2016_ The Journey of Things, Lambrate, Milan, IT
2016_ Zimmer mit Pflanze, Gallerie YBDD, Berlin, DE
2015_ Time to Unravel, Toegepast 19, Z33, Hasselt, BE
2201_ Lost & Found, Ampelhaus, Oranienbaum, DE
2015_ 9th Internationale Design Biennale, Saint-Etienne, FR
2015_ Dnomade X, Seoul, KR
2015_ Innovation Award Imm cologne, Köln, DE
2015_ Heimtextil, StijlInstitut Amsterdam, Frankfort, DE
2014_ Onder Tussen in Ampelhaus, Dutch Design Exhibition, Oranienbaum, DE
2014_ Wroclaw, Design Festival, Wroclaw, PL
2014_ Lifetimes, solo show, DMY Gallery, Berlin, DE
2014_ A Colorful Mind, Gallery S. Ben Simon, Paris, FR
2013_ Open, Seenseen, Amsterdam, NL
2013_ Berlin Design Selection, Design Miami, US
2013_ Craft Emergency, Aspex Gallery, Portsmouth, UK
2013_ DEA Graduation Show, Dutch Design Week, NL
2013_ Buenos Aires Design Festival, Buenos Aires, AR
2013_ Sao Paulo Design Weekend, Sao Paulo, BR
2013_ Now! le Off, Paris Design Week, Paris, FR
2013_ Must-Have, Ligne Roset City, London, UK
2012_ BIO23, Ljubljana Design Biennale, Museum of Architecture and Design, Ljubljana, SI