at Design Academy Eindhoven


device to listen to ones heart rate

The heart is the centre of our metabolism. It controls our rhythm and dynamism. Physically and emotionally, it follows the different situations we face by accelerating or by slowing down.

The brain and the heart are connected both ways. The heart rate affects our brain. They create a mutual system and influence each other.
By facing a stressing or uncomfortable situation, heart becomes irregular and faster.

Pulse is be a domestic accessory that leads to healthier heart rate.
The interaction creates a singular moment of self concentration.
The physical variation of the object tells about the current heart rate and help to focus.
It rules to get back to a better rate and preserves mental and physical health.

_wood, leather, heart beat sensor, electronics

Concept, Design, Develoment:
Guillaume Neu-Rinaudo
Photo: s
tudio b severin

Thumbnail: Doctor's Visit by Elisabeth Geertruida Wassenbergh, studio b severin


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